High flame gas solutions logo





High Flame Gas Solutions

27 Woodpecker Way



NN14 4RZ



Revision 2 29/08/2022


PART 1 – Statements of Intent.



Statutory Undertaking

In accordance with our duty under Section 2(3) of the

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and fulfilling our obligations to employees

and other persons affected by our activities, HIGH FLAME GAS SOLUTIONS. has

produced the following statement of policy in respect to health, safety and



Policy Statement


The health, safety and welfare of employees and other

persons affected by the Company’s activities are of prime importance to the

Company and are regarded as essential elements in the effective operation of

the business.


The responsibility for safety at work rests with

everybody and the Company’s Management will ensure that its policy is carried

out through the organisation. Specifically management will ensure:-




arrangements for suitable and sufficient assessment of work activities in order

to identify associated hazards and control the risks arising.



provision of such information, instruction, training and supervision as is

necessary to ensure the health, safety and welfare of employees of the company.



provision and maintenance of safe access to and egress from any workplace under

the control of the company and safe systems of work.



co-operation of employees of the company to enable statutory obligations to be




visible management commitment to higher standards of health and safety achieved

through monitoring performance and the continuous improvement of the health and

safety culture throughout the company.



provision of first aid; fire prevention and control; welfare facilities and

working environments that are, so far as is reasonable, without risk to health.



for ensuring safety and the absence of risks to health in connection with the

use, handling, storage, transportation and disposal of articles and substances.



any necessary personal protective clothing and equipment required as the result

of a risk assessment.



provision and maintenance of plant and systems of work that are safe and

without risk.



resources are allocated to ensure the full implementation of this policy


The company requires all employees to comply with this

policy and in particular to exercise care for the health and safety of

themselves and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.


High Flame Gas Solutions, Health and Safety Policy and

the information contained herein will be reviewed on an annual basis and

updated as necessary to incorporate changes in legislation or company



Signed on behalf of High Flame Gas Solutions,


Callum Catling (Director)                             ……………………………………………


Date:                                                                  ……………..29/09/2022…..….………





High Flame Gas Solutions recognises the environmental

impact from its business activities and is committed to adopting and

implementing this policy.


The Company will provide the necessary resources to

achieve its environmental aims and to promote and develop this environmental



The Management of the Company will be responsible for

achieving this mission as an integral part of its duties.


The Company and its Employees will endeavour to:



Eliminate or minimise environmental pollution

caused by its operations and its products throughout their life cycle.


Reduce the creation of waste and dispose of such

waste safely and responsibly.


Reduce the consumption of natural resources and



To achieve the principles within this policy the Company




Educate and motivate all employees to conduct

their activities in an environmentally responsible manner.


Assess the environmental implications of new

contracts, processes, capital projects, acquisitions, and diversities prior to



Continuously improve in all areas of

environmental protection, setting goals and establishing methods of measuring



Monitor and implement legislation, regulations,

standards and technology relevant to its activities and their environmental



Communicate to its customers, suppliers and

other interested parties its intentions and encourage them to adopt where

appropriate similar environmental policies and principles.


Audit appropriately, all operations and

practices for compliance with the spirit as well as the substance of all

applicable laws, regulations, and internal requirements, including these

principles and practices.


Comply with the principles of ISO14001.


This statement represents our commitment on behalf of the

Company and sets the framework for meeting our environmental programs and

objectives. This policy is reviewed at least yearly for continuing suitability.


It is part of the Company’s training programme that this

policy is understood, implemented and maintained at all levels in the Company.



Signed ……………………………………………      Callum Catling (Director)


Date     …………………………………………..                                       




This policy has been

developed to protect all employees, customers and visitors from exposure to

secondhand smoke and to assist compliance with the Health Act 2006.

Exposure to secondhand

smoke, also known as passive smoking, increases the risk of lung cancer, heart

disease and other illnesses. Ventilation or separating smokers and non-smokers

within the same airspace does not completely stop potentially dangerous




It is the policy of High Flame Gas Solutions, that all

of our workplaces are smoke free and that all employees have a right to work in

a smoke free environment.


Smoking is prohibited

throughout the entire workplace with no exceptions. This includes company

vehicles. This policy applies to all employees, consultants, contractors,

customers and visitors.


The company will only

permit smoking only in a fully open environment, where non smokers are not

working in the immediate vicinity to be affected and strictly where site rules

do not specifically prohibit smoking.



Overall responsibility for

policy implementation and review rests with the company management. All staff

is obliged to adhere to, and facilitate the implementation of the policy.


Management shall inform all existing employees, consultants, customers,

visitors and contractors of the policy and their role in the implementation and

monitoring of the policy. The Company also has to give all new personnel a copy

of the policy on recruitment/induction. 

Appropriate ‘No smoking’ signs will be clearly displayed at the

entrances to and within the premises.



Failure to comply with this

policy will result in disciplinary action being taken and ultimately possible

dismissal. Those who do not comply with the smoking law are also liable to a

fixed penalty fine and possible criminal prosecution.


Help to Stop Smoking

The NHS offers the

following free services to help smokers give up:


Call The NHS Smoking Helpline on 0800 169 0169 to find your local

service or text ‘give up’ and your full post code to 88088.


Signed ……………………………………………      Callum Catling (Director)


Date     …………………………………………..




High Flame Gas Solutions, must

provide a safe and health working environment. It recognises that this can be

put at risk by those who misuse drugs or alcohol to such an extent that it may

affect their health, performance, conduct and relationships at work. The policy

which applies to all employees aims to:


Promote the

health and well-being of employees and to minimise problems at work arising

from the effects of drugs and alcohol.



employees with possible problems relating to the effects of drugs or alcohol at

an early stage.


Offer employees

known to have drugs or alcohol related problems affecting their work referral

to appropriate source of diagnosis and treatment if necessary.


The policy does not apply

to an employee who commits a clear breach of company rules due to overindulgence

of alcohol on one or more occasions. In these cases action will be taken under

the company’s disciplinary procedures as appropriate.



The company will in

consultation with the workforce:


Advise all

existing employees and all persons starting work of the risks to health arising

from the effects of drugs and alcohol.



employees who may have drug or alcohol related problems which affect their work

to take advantage of the company’s referral procedure for diagnosis and




supervisors and managers to identify job performance problems that may be

attributable to the effects of drugs and alcohol.


In cases where

the effects on work by the misuse of drugs and alcohol is confirmed or admitted

agree upon a programme of treatment in consultation with the company appointed

medical advisor and the employee.


Instruct the

appointed company medical advisor to co-ordinate and monitor and if necessary

participate in the treatment which may involve recourse to a GP, counsellor,

hospital department or in patient care.


The company will establish

rules relating to an employee who is found to have misused drugs or alcohol or

admits to the same. The policy rules may cover:



action for refusal to accept help


Conditions for

accepting treatment


Future employment

if treatment proves to be unsuccessful


Observation of

medical confidentiality


Effects on pensions,

benefits and employment rights.



The effects of drugs and

alcohol can create serious health and safety risks, therefore the following

rules should be adhered to:


Do not come to

work under the influence of drugs or alcohol


Do not bring

alcohol or non-prescribed drugs onto company premises


Check with your

doctor or pharmacist about the side-effects of prescribed medication.


Never drive or

operate machinery when under the influence of drugs or alcohol


Offer support and

advice to colleagues who you suspect of suffering from drugs or alcohol abuse


Ask for

assistance if you feel that matters are beyond your control.



Signed  ……………………………………………            Callum Catling (Director)


Date       …………………………………………..



Part 2 – Organisation & Responsibilities





The Company’s duties will, ‘as far as is reasonably

practicable’ be:-

  • To observe the requirements of the Health and
  • Safety at Work Act 1974
  • To provide and maintain working environments,
  • machinery, equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risks
  • to health
  • Arranging safe systems of use, handling, storage
  • and transport of machinery, materials and equipment etc
  • To carry out risk and COSHH assessments in respect
  • of all activities, bringing them to the attention of operatives involved
  • in those activities and preparing method statements as required
  • To ensure that appropriate personal protective
  • equipment (PPE) is provided
  • To provide suitable and sufficient information,
  • instruction, training and supervision so as to ensure the health and
  • safety of employees etc
  • To consult with the company’s employees on safety
  • matters.
  • Provide adequate first aid arrangements and welfare
  • for employees whilst at work
  • To comply with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases
  • and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations 1995.
  • To ensure that the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety)
  • Order 2005 is complied with.
  • To prevent any person working whilst under the
  • influence of alcohol or drugs. 



The responsibilities of the Directors are;

  • To provide a visible management commitment to
  • higher standards of health and safety,
  • To monitor the effectiveness of this Policy and to
  • make revisions as necessary.
  • To ensure all Company employees and all persons
  • having an interest, are made aware of this Policy and understand their
  • individual duties and responsibilities.
  • To analyse safety data arising from safety
  • advisers’ site inspection reports and any accident or dangerous
  • occurrences, near miss reports and
  • to ensure that corrective action is taken
  • To ensure all employees receive adequate and
  • relevant training and that records of training are maintained.
  • To ensure that documentation, registers and
  • certificates are maintained and that notification and reporting procedures
  • are carried out.
  • To monitor that adequate financial arrangements are
  • being made to meet statutory requirements.
  • To ensure that the management of health and safety
  • within the company is periodically audited.


To assess the suitability of subcontractors to

work with the company.



  • To monitor the implementation of this Policy, the
  • Client’s safety requirements and statutory responsibilities within their
  • areas of responsibility.
  • To assess the risks to health and safety of all
  • operations and ensure adequate control measures are in force to pre-plan
  • safe methods of work
  • To ensure co-ordination and co-operation between
  • all parties involved in our work activities.
  • To encourage good health and safety practises
  • To ensure that members of the public, affected by
  • the Company’s operations are adequately protected.
  • To set a good personal example by wearing the
  • appropriate personal protective equipment
  • To ensure that relevant information, instruction,
  • supervision and training is provided, monitored and recorded
  • To ensure that incidents, accidents, dangerous
  • occurrences and near misses are recorded and reported.
  • To organise and co-ordinate site work with minimum
  • risk to health and safety
  • To ensure agreed methods of work, codes of
  • practice, risk assessments and method statements are adhered to.


To ensure employees are given precise

instructions and information in respect of health and safety.



  • To comply with this Policy
  • To work in compliance with risk assessments and
  • method statements appropriate to their work.
  • To comply with all warning notices regarding site
  • safety and personal behaviour.
  • To only use suitable work equipment for which they
  • are trained and authorised to operate or use providing such proof as
  • required.
  • To report defects in equipment and machinery to their
  • site supervisor
  • To use PPE as appropriate or directed. To wear it
  • correctly and not misuse or abuse it.
  • To report any accident, dangerous occurrence or
  • near miss to their Site Supervisor.
  • To take care of the safety of themselves and others
  • who may be affected by their work
  • To avoid improvised arrangements and suggest safe
  • ways of eliminating hazards.


To inform their employer if they suffer from any

allergy, health problem or are receiving medication that is likely to affect

their ability to work.




  • To advise the Company, when required, on safety
  • matters.
  • To carry out site inspections at company workplaces
  • when required.
  • To discuss and advise on matters affecting health,
  • safety and welfare.
  • To notify Company Management of all defects found
  • and provide a written report.
  • Immediately to contact the Managing Director if
  • situations are found that, in the opinion of the safety adviser, are
  • dangerous enough to warrant the stopping of any operation.
  • To advise of safety training requirements for new
  • entrants and employees.
  • In accordance with the agreed criteria, to carry
  • out investigations into and report on, accidents, dangerous occurrences
  • and near misses.
  • To check site documentation is being completed
  • correctly and where necessary to ensure that risk assessments and method
  • statements are available.



A ‘young person’ is someone who is under 18 years of age.

We will ensure that where a young person is employed, a specific risk

assessment of them will be made before they are permitted to commence work.

A ‘child’ is someone who is not over compulsory school

age. We will ensure that where a Child is employed, the content and conclusion

of the risk assessment will be communicated to a person having parental responsibility/rights

for that child.

Where the young person is on a ‘relevant’ scheme i.e.

work placement, then the placement organisation will be involved in the

assessment process.


All new employees will undergo induction training on

their first day of employment. Induction training is to include but not

restricted to the following:



Health & Safety Policy and procedures



Health Assessment



of PPE



of any hazards associated with the work to be undertaken



Prior to the commencement of work with the Company,

Contractors and the self employed who are working for this company, will be

required to signify that:

  • They are conversant with the Health and Safety at
  • Work Act 1974 and Approved Codes of Practice.
  • They will conduct their activities in accordance
  • with the requirements of this Safety Policy.
  • They will observe the special requirements relating
  • to young persons
  • They will submit risk assessments, COSHH
  • assessments and where necessary, method statements as required before
  • their intended start date on site.
  • They accept that operations requiring method
  • statements will not be permitted to commence, until the statements have
  • been received and approved.


They will provide evidence of training and certificates

of competence, as required.


Evidence will be provided by the completion of a Pre

Qualification Questionnaire or other evidence.

Assessment of the submission and approval will be carried

out by the Director responsible for Safety.


Part 3 – Arrangements for carrying out the Policy




The company will issue to all employees a

copy of its Health and Safety Policy Statement and a register will be kept of

all people who have received it and signed for it. Subcontract and

self-employed persons will be engaged on the condition that they agree to abide

by the Company Health and Safety Policy. This condition will be incorporated

into the various agreements for subcontractors, which may apply to any

particular project.

A copy of the Company Health and Safety

Policy will be maintained and posted for information in each of the Company’s

places of work




Systems of Work

The company will make an assessment of significant risks

to the health and safety of employees and others who may be affected by work

activities, including contractors, part time and temporary staff.


Significant risks will be recorded in writing

and those groups of employees or others especially at risk must be identified.


Procedures and systems of work will be specified

for the elimination of minimising of the risks.


Risk assessments will be reviewed and updated if

circumstances have significantly changed.


The provision of health surveillance where there

is an identifiable disease or adverse health condition relating to the work



The design and establishment of emergency

procedures to be followed in the event of serious or imminent danger.


Co-operate with other employers where work areas

are shared and exchange information with them on protective measures and the

risks associated with each others activities, and pass this information to

employees who may be affected.


Provide training, and periodically repeat it,

for employees in regard to:

a)      The

duties and tasks assigned to them.

b)     Induction

on first being employed.

c)      New

work or further responsibility.

d)     Changed

work processes or methods of work.


Employees also have statutory duties to:


Use those things provided by the employer in

compliance with the instructions and training given. This would include work

equipment, dangerous substances, means of transport, plant and safety



Inform the employer of any dangerous work

conditions or any matter that is considered to be a shortcoming in his

employer’s health and safety arrangements.


Five steps to Risk Assessment

The Company will follow five steps when carrying out a

workplace risk assessment


Look for and list the hazards


Decide who might be harmed and how


Evaluate the risks and decide whether the

existing controls are adequate or whether more should be done


Record the findings


Review the assessment on a regular basis and

revise as necessary

Recording of Assessments

The recorded assessment should be an effective statement

of hazards and risks, which then leads management to take the relevant action

to ensure health and safety. It is part of the Company’s overall approach to

health and safety.


The Company has produced a series of generic risk

assessments for our main activities and has identified the control measures to

be put in place. Supervisors & Foremen are required to ensure that the

results of these assessments are communicated to the operatives and other

personnel who are exposed to them.


Method Statements

Where appropriate method statements for work activities

will be produced and reviewed as work progresses. Site operatives are expected

to comply with the stated working practices within these method statements, any

problems identified with the method statements should be brought to the

attention of the Director responsible for Health & Safety.




Training, Consultation, Welfare & Working Time

Health and Safety Information

Copies of this policy shall be available to all company

employees and other interested parties and a register will be kept of all

people who have received it and signed for it.

A duly completed copy of the Health and Safety Law poster

will be displayed in a prominent position at the company’s head office. A copy

of the health and safety policy and employers liability insurance will also be

posted. Copies of the Policy statement and liability insurance certificate will

be included in the safety pack issued to each work site.

Our appointed Competent Person for Health & Safety

provides us with health and safety guidance, advice, support and information

including training advice, site inspections, incident investigations and

assistance with guidelines and procedures for the implementation of work place

health and safety.

Site specific Health& Safety information is also

passed to all those affected in the form of risk assessments, method

statements, Coshh assessments, tool box talks, memos and notices.



Suitable and sufficient training will be provided to

ensure that employees at all levels are:


Aware of their health and safety duties and



Competent to operate specialist tools, plant and

work equipment.


Adequately inducted

Further training needs will be provided as identified

necessary that are relevant to their work, and in conformance with this Policy.

Records of all training will be maintained.



Arrangements are in place for consultation on health and

safety matters with employees as required by legislation. Initiatives from

employees intended to enhance health and safety in the workplace are

encouraged, and should be made through normal management channels. The safety

director is available for consultation on any safety or health matter at any




In accordance with the requirements of the Construction

(Design & Management) Regulations and the Workplace (Health, Safety and

Welfare) Regulations, the company will provide workplaces with adequate

provision for their ventilation, temperature and lighting. Appropriate levels

of cleanliness shall be maintained and arrangements for the disposal of any

waste in accordance with environmental protection arrangements laid down.

The company will provide suitable and sufficient sanitary

conveniences and washing facilities as required for employees at all of our

workplaces. Hot and cold running water, soap, towels and drying facilities will

be in place. An adequate supply of wholesome drinking water will be provided.

Suitable and sufficient facilities for rest and to take refreshments will also

be provided.


Working Time Regulations

The company recognises that where employees work

excessive hours, there is a risk to their health and safety. Therefore,

procedures will be instigated to ensure that these regulations are fully

complied with.





So far as is reasonably practicable, the Company will

ensure that:-


Safe and suitable access to and egress from

every place of work will be provided and properly maintained to enable all

personnel to reach their places of work safely.


Every place of work shall be made and kept safe

for anyone at work there


Access routes shall be kept clear of

obstructions, materials, cables and other tripping hazards.


Every place of work shall have sufficient

working space and so arranged that it is suitable for any person working there


Worksites will be organised so that pedestrians

and vehicles are segregated and can move about the site safely


5.      Construction (Design &

Management) Regulations

The company recognises its obligations under the CDM

Regulations and will ensure that it fully complies with the regulations when acting

as a Contractor.

When we are appointed as a contractor, we will:-



manage, supervise and monitor our work and that of our workers to ensure it is

carried out safely and that health risks are addressed



that the client is aware of their duties.



that only competent contractors, suppliers and workers are employed



with the Principal Contractors instructions relating to matters of health and




and co-ordinate our activities with the Principal Contractor and other

Contractors who may be affected by our operations.


If we

produce a design, we acknowledge our duties as a designer



our duties with regard to health and safety on site



our workers are inducted onto site



suitable welfare facilities are provided from the start of the project



method statements, risk and COSHH assessments as required.



all our employees and sub-contractors of those details in the Safety Plan that

may affect their operations and any safety rules they are required to comply




the Principal Contractor with evidence of all training our employees have




provide the Principal Contractor with any information that is required for

inclusion in the Health and Safety File.



the Principal Contractor to ensure that only authorised persons have access to

the construction site where the company’s operations are taking place.



that our workforce is properly consulted on health and safety matters.


Ensure that all injuries, diseases and dangerous

occurrences that are reportable under RIDDOR, are promptly reported to the

Principal Contractors site management.





Co-operation and co-ordination.

As a company High Flame Gas Solutions, recognises that

good co-operation and co-ordination of work between all of the parties involved

in a project is essential if risks are to be identified early on in the project

and properly controlled.

A team approach involving the Client and other

contractors will be adopted where more than one contractor is involved in the

works. Good communications is essential. Information about risks and

precautions will be shared with all parties as part of the work planning

process. Where appropriate inductance training will be carried out to ensure

all parties understand the risks and precautions in place.





First Aid arrangements shall be in compliance with First

Aid Regulations and the associated Approved Code of Practice. 


All Company workplaces, including any Company vehicles,

shall be provided with a first aid kit. The kit will contain (at least) the

scale of equipment in accordance with the Regulations. All employees shall be

advised of the arrangements that apply to their workplace and shall be included

in the induction process for new employees.


Certain individuals will be nominated as competent

first-aiders and will be given appropriate training. Notices shall be displayed

in prominent positions indicating the location of the first aid box and the

name of the appointed person. The appointed person shall ensure that contents

are replenished as necessary including items which may have exceeded their

shelf life.


Every employee is required to make sure he or she knows

who the appointed first-aider is and where the First Aid boxes are located in

his or her normal work location.




of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH)

Any material used, or encountered during work, which has

the potential for harming health, will be subject to an assessment carried out

under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations. Hazardous substances include:-


Substances used directly in work activities

(e.g. adhesives, paints, cleaning agents)


Substances generated during work activities

(e.g. fumes)


Naturally occurring substances (e.g. grain dust)


Biological agents ( e.g. bacteria and other



When using or encountering such substances we will:-


Establish whether the substance has an

Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) or a Workplace Exposure Limit (WEL)


Assess the risks


Decide what precautions are needed


Prevent or control and monitor the exposure


Carry out health surveillance if necessary


Ensure our operatives are suitably trained,

informed and supervised


Obtain Data Sheets in respect of those



Relevant assessments will be provided to operatives.

Operatives will ensure that precautions outlined in the relevant assessments

are implemented.

Any equipment preventing or controlling exposure to

hazardous substances will be maintained and tested periodically, and as


Employees who are required to make appropriate use of

such equipment must report any defects immediately.




Surveillance, Noise & Vibration and Asbestos


surveillance may be undertaken for specified employees. Where necessary, the advice of a qualified

Occupational Health Practitioner will be obtained. The employees concerned will

co-operate and records will be maintained.

The company will monitor operatives exposed to potential

harm from activities or operations likely to result in them suffering

conditions such as:-








arm and whole body vibration syndrome









to their eyesight


exposure to asbestos



The Noise at Work Regulations will be complied with.

Noise assessments will be carried out as appropriate and action taken as

identified necessary.


Where noise levels are such as to expose operatives to in

excess of 80db(A) averaged over

a working day, assessments will identify those operatives and/or activities

that will require the provision of suitable noise reduction techniques and/or

the use of ear defenders. Such assessments may be specific to site or related

to the work activity. Operatives will ensure that the precautions suggested are



Where noise levels exceed 85dB(A) areas affected will be established, signed and protected against

unauthorised entry. Ear protection shall be provided and worn by all

within the noise affected area. Employees will be provided with information on

hazards of work exposing them to noise levels in excess of 85dB(A) over a working day, instructed and trained in

working methods to protect their hearing, including the use of ear defenders.

Records will be kept of exposure assessments, information, instructions and

training provided, employees trained.



It is the

responsibility of the Company to assess the risk to the health and safety of

all employees who are exposed to vibration from the use of power tools such as

concrete breakers, hammer drills and hand held grinders, and to reduce the

risks as far as is reasonably practicable. The company will provide suitable

equipment which is correctly maintained and provide instruction and training

for their safe use. It is also the responsibility of the company to monitor and

control the exposure of workers to vibration.


Asbestos Containing Materials

The company will comply with The Control of Asbestos

Regulations 2012 and the associated Code of Practice, including the Management

of Asbestos in Premises.

All work places will be surveyed by a competent person to

ascertain whether or not asbestos is present. 

Work places include those premises which are occupied or

used by this company


Records will be kept of the survey findings.


Licensed contractors will be engaged to

undertake removal, repair or disturbance of asbestos


The company will ensure that such work is

properly planned, assessed for risk and executed. 


Assessment to include those employees and others

exposed, or liable to be exposed to asbestos


All employees likely to be exposed to asbestos fibres

will be provided with all of the necessary information, supervision and where

appropriate training. If exposure is unavoidable then safe systems of work will

be developed and protective equipment provided.


If we uncover or damage asbestos materials

If suspect materials are discovered during the course of the works

then we shall follow the guidance given in ‘Asbestos

Essentials EM1’ i.e.:


Stop work immediately.


Decide who must do the work – we may need a

licensed contractor. If the work is non-licensed we may be able to carry it out

ourselves providing the necessary controls are in place (see HSE Asbestos

Essentials Guidance)


Minimise the spread of contamination to other



Keep exposures as low as we can.


Clean up the contamination


Advice must be sought immediately from the site

supervisor who may arrange for any necessary specialist work (air-monitoring,

tests, etc.), which may be appropriate.





The company will endeavour to provide employees and

sub-contract personnel with a safe and healthy working environment and

recognises the importance of implementing the Manual Handling Regulations. In all cases, a suitable and

sufficient risk assessment will be carried out in accordance with the

regulations and training will be given. All personnel are to:


Avoid hazardous

manual handling activities so far as is reasonably practicable


Assess any

hazardous manual handling activities that cannot be avoided


Reduce the risk

of injury, so far as is reasonably practicable


Provide or obtain

information on the load to be handled


When considering

how to deal; with manual handling activities, we will ensure that the following

factors are addressed; the task, the load, the working environment & individual



Make full and

proper use of handling aids


Inform their

supervisor of any physical or medical condition that might affect their ability

to undertake manual handling operations in a safe and controlled manner.


Inform a

supervisor immediately of any injury incurred through manual handling.




Protective Equipment (PPE)

The company will ensure that suitable and sufficient

protective clothing and equipment is provided, worn or used wherever there are

risks to health and safety that cannot be controlled in other ways.



PPE will be properly assessed before use to

ensure it is suitable for purpose


Employees will be consulted regarding its



PPE will be properly maintained and stored


Employees will be provided with instructions how

to use it safely


Used correctly by employees


Selected types of PPE will be compatible to other items

that are in use, appropriate for the risks and where necessary, adjustable for

the comfort of the wearer. PPE will be ‘CE’ marked and comply with the Personal

Protective Equipment at Work Regulations.


It is the personal responsibility of employees to

safeguard such items, report defects and use the equipment as required.

Equipment issued to employees will be checked on a regular basis by the

nominated responsible person and recorded. A copy of the record will be

maintained in the Head Office for action and filing.


Any items of protective equipment not issued direct to an

individual (shared) will become the responsibility of each user to check its

serviceability before and after use.


Any defective equipment is to be removed from use and

reported to management immediately and repaired or replaced.


Workers who use

Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) will be subject to “face fit testing” by

a competent person




Emergency Procedures & Third Party Protection

Site Emergency Procedures

Wherever we control the site, the appointed site

manager/supervisor will ensure that all relevant legislation, Codes of Practice

and other relevant statutory provisions will be complied with. This will



Adequate fire

precautions and the production of a fire risk assessment,


That emergency

procedures and contingency plans are established for dealing with such risks


Ensuring that

employees are familiar with and understand the procedures providing training as



The control and

use of highly flammable liquids, gases and other flammable substances such as

oil, solvent based paints, wood dusts, spray applications, etc.


Hot work will

only be carried out under a ‘hot work

permit’ scheme


A safe system of

refuelling plant and portable tools, including a designated refuelling area

which is situated away from any inflammable materials.

Wherever the company act as contractor or is working in

occupied premises, the emergency procedures of the Principal Contractor or

occupier shall be ascertained and followed.


Site Safety – Third Parties 

Strict controls are necessary on construction sites to

ensure the health and safety of everyone whether legally there or not.

Occupied Premises – Where works are carried out in

conjunction with continuing activity, business or otherwise of the Client, then

careful consideration should be given to the phasing of the works. Work should

be separate to that of the Client’s activity where possible. Should Clients and

Client’s staff need to access areas where building work is being carried out,

it should be minimised and strictly controlled. Assessment of hazard and risk

will be carried out in respect of any work activity.

Construction Sites – Management will monitor the control

measures in place and will advise the Principal Contractor of any shortcomings.

Effective protection controls in the work area, such as hoarding,

fencing, barriers, warning notices etc,

will be in place at all times and inspected regularly.

Information, communication and control measures are

essential matters, which need to be discussed with the Principal Contractor at

regular meetings.

Site personnel should not move, change or tamper with any

arrangements designed to segregate or protect persons from injury.

All accidents, injuries and incidents will be reported to

site management, recorded as necessary and appropriate action taken.

Any Fire Plan provided by the Principal Contractor or Client,

in respect of their site or premises will be communicated to contractors to

ensure it is understood and not compromised by any building operations.




Health & Safety

All office

staff shall assist in minimising the risk of accidents, ill health and fire

within the office environment. Hazards will be minimised by:-


Properly storing materials,


Protecting against or eliminating trailing electrical cables,


Closing filing cabinet drawers,


Keeping staircases and fire exits clear and unobstructed


Where there is a risk of injury from manual handling, a suitable and

sufficient risk assessment will be carried out and appropriate procedures



Chemical hazards will be subject of COSHH assessments


Electrical hazards will be minimised by



That all cables and connections are maintained in good condition


Equipment is properly earthed and correctly fused,


Sockets are not overloaded


Water kept away from electrical installations 


Electrical equipment shall be subject to regular checking every 12



Electrical Installations shall be subject to inspection by a competent

person every 5 years.


Visual Display Equipment


Assessments will be completed and should cover the following points:-


Work station must have adequate lighting without glare or distracting



Adequate space to be provided to allow postural changes and leg room


All work stations should be tailored to suit individual operators and

records of training kept.


Equipment provided must be appropriate to the task


Work surfaces must allow for flexible arrangements


Work chair to be adjustable and have 5 points of contact with the floor.


Footrest to be provided if required.


User to take frequent short breaks away from the screen area


Eye sight test to be provided at request of user


Damaged or faulty equipment will be taken out of use and reported to



Office Fire Emergency Procedure


A risk assessment will be completed under The Regulatory Reform (Fire

Safety) Order 2005


All staff will be instructed in the ‘emergency evacuation’



Emergency evacuation drills will be carried out and recorded.


Alarms and Fire fighting equipment will be serviced and maintained.


Fire and emergency evacuation instructions will be posted in conspicuous



Visitors will be ‘booked’ in and out and escorted from the office in the

event of an emergency.


Fire hazards will be minimised by:-


keeping fire doors closed,


keeping fire extinguishers in place,


keeping paper and other flammable materials to a



a ‘no smoking’ policy in conformance with the

Smoke-free (Premises and Enforcement) Regs. 2006






Work equipment will be suitable and sufficient

for purpose and comply with The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations

(PUWER). In particular we will: –


Maintain work equipment in efficient working

order and in a good state of repair.


Ensure that all work equipment and plant is

inspected as required with records of inspections kept.


Ensure the use of any equipment will be

restricted to persons who have received adequate training, information,

instruction and supervision as necessary.


Ensure that persons are protected against

dangerous parts of machinery


Ensure that equipment will only be used in a

stable or stabilised condition


Suitable and sufficient lighting to be available

if necessary.


Ensure appropriate personal protective equipment

is provided and used.




at Height, Scaffolds & Towers, Ladders & Steps, and Roof Work.

Work at Height

 ‘Work’ includes

moving around at a place of work.

‘At height’ describes a place from which a person could

be injured when falling from it, even if it is at or below ground level.’ The

Company will avoid working at height, where it is reasonably practicable to do

the work safely some other way.


When we are required to work at height we will ensure



The Working at Height Regulations are conformed



All work at height is properly planned,

organised and supervised


Work is carried out in a manner that is safe


Falls will be prevented or, if not able to be

prevented the consequences or distance of falling will be minimised


Those working at height are competent to do so


Risks are assessed and appropriate equipment

selected and used


Objects, tools etc. are prevented from falling


Risks from fragile surfaces are avoided or

properly controlled


Equipment used for working at height will be

inspected and properly maintained


Planning for emergencies and rescue will be made


Scaffolds and Working Platforms

Scaffolding will be erected to recognised standards only

by trained, competent and authorised operatives or subcontractors.

A competent person will inspect scaffolding before use

and after adaptation, alteration or the effects of adverse weather conditions

etc and in any case every 7 days.


Results of the inspection will be recorded in a



Scaffold Incomplete notices will be displayed as



Ladders will be removed or secured to prevent

unauthorised access after working hours.


Special scaffolds will be subject of design or



Design drawings and calculations for special

scaffolds must be available on site for the information of the person carrying

out inspections etc.


Scaffolds will be secured against bad weather

conditions and short boards secured down.


Edge protection measures will not be removed

unless authorised and will be replaced as soon as the need to remove it has



Tower scaffolds will only be erected by trained,

competent and authorised operatives as per manufacturer’s instructions.


No persons will be permitted to remain on tower

scaffolds during the moving and repositioning of them.


When moved they will be pushed via the narrowest

side at the bottom of the tower.


Brakes will be set when the tower is in use.


The SWL of scaffolds and working platforms will

be established, displayed and not exceeded.


Materials will not be stored on working

platforms so as to exceed the edge protection.


All scaffold structures will be properly earthed

where a risk of lightning strikes exists.


Ladders and step ladders

Ladders will be used primarily for access. If used as a

work platform, ladders will only be used for light work of short duration and

only after a risk assessment carried out under The Working at Height

Regulations has demonstrated alternative methods are unsuitable.

When ladders are used they will be:-


Used by trained and competent operatives only


Subject of an inspection regime with records of

inspections maintained


Visually inspected by operatives before use


Marked with a means of identifying them


Class 1 Industrial Heavy Duty or Class 2 Light



In good condition and free from defects.


Secured against movement.


Pitched out to a 75º angle (4-1) with the

reinforcement under the rungs


Rise at least 1 metre above a landing place.


Free from obstruction at their base area


Used by only one person at a time


Overhead cables will be identified and made safe

when working at height


When using ladders operatives will:-


Maintain three points of contact at all times


Not use the top 3 rungs when used as a work



Not ‘over reach’


Not carry materials or tools when ascending or

descending ladders.


When step ladders are used they will be:-


As with ladders – suitable for purpose


Used on safe, level ground


Used for short duration and light work


Properly ‘set up’ and not inclined against walls



Operative not to use top 2 steps and not to over



Operatives engaged in roof work shall be trained and

competent, aware of The Working at Height Regulations 2005 and the HSE document

HSG 33 (H&S IN Roofworks). Method statements will be prepared for the work

and adhered to.

We will



That all work at height is properly assessed and planned by a competent



Work at height will only be carried out by trained and competent



A safe system of access and egress will be provided with materials and

equipment hoisted to height by mechanical means.


A safe place of work will be provided with edge protection that conforms

to the regulations


No one will be permitted to walk on or near to fragile roofing.


Areas where fragile roofs are present will be cordoned off or securely

covered and warning notices fixed.


Work at height will be only carried out if weather conditions permit it.


Precautions will be taken during inclement weather and high winds, to

prevent equipment or materials falling from roofs.


15. Electricity and Portable Appliances

Electric shocks can kill, damage equipment and can also

cause fires.

The company will take all necessary actions to secure the

health and safety of staff who use or maintain electrical circuitry or

equipment in accordance with the Electricity at Work Regulations. Since

electrical equipment is potentially hazardous, the company will undertake

regular assessments to identify risks and reduce them as far as is practicable.

The fixed electrical installations in the offices,

workshops and on site welfare arrangements will be inspected and tested on a

regular basis by a nominated competent electrician employed by the company and

the appropriate safety certificate issued. All portable electrical appliances

will be tested and inspected by a competent person employed by the company at regular

intervals. No personal electrical equipment may be brought on to a company

worksite unless the company has given prior approval and the equipment has been

inspected before use. No electrical faultfinding or repairs must be carried out

by employees unless trained to do so.

These procedures apply to any electrical equipment which is

to be hired and used on the site.


For guidance Construction site based portable equipment

(drills, leads, lighting etc.) should be tested at 3 monthly intervals. Office

based equipment (computer equipment, extension leads etc) should be tested

annually. If any problem is encountered in connection with electrical supplies,

circuitry, switches or appliances, staff must immediately inform their supervisors. Supervisors will ensure any equipment or

electrical system is properly isolated in the event of any malfunction and that

remedial action is arranged.


The company will ensure that emergency and first aid

procedures cover the actions to be taken in the event of electric shock or




equipment should be switched off, preferably at the socket when not in use.


Never stand

containers or cups of liquid close to electrical appliances.


Any defects in

electrical equipment must be immediately notified to Management and the

equipment taken out of use until repaired. Only authorised persons are

permitted to repair or alter electrical equipment.


DO NOT try

makeshift repairs to faulty equipment.

In the case of an electric shock, do not touch the

casualty until the current is switched off. If the current cannot be switched

off, stand on some dry insulating material and use a wooden of plastic

implement to free the casualty from the electrical source.



of motor vehicles on Company Business

Company Cars, Vans & Lorries


Drivers will comply with the Road Traffic Act 1974, all

subordinate legislation and the Highway Code.


Only persons with full driving licences will be permitted to

drive that class of vehicle.


Driving licences will be checked annually.


All employees are required to report any driving convictions

or points on their licence.


A system of recording accidents/incidents will be

established to identify training needs


Training will be provided where a need is identified.


All employees who use their own vehicles on company business

are required to provide evidence of insurance that covers such use.


Vehicles and trailers will be visually inspected daily


No vehicles or trailer will be used in an un-roadworthy



All vehicle defects will be reported immediately.


Mobile telephones will not be used whilst driving.


No one will drink alcohol, take drugs or medication which

could affect their ability to drive,


Drivers and passengers will not smoke in company






Reporting & Investigation

Accident Reporting

All accidents, injuries or dangerous occurrences are to

be recorded in the accident registers provided in each of the Company’s


Under the ‘Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences

Regulations’ (RIDDOR), all fatal accidents and major injuries, dangerous

occurrences, occupational diseases and accidents resulting in employees being

off work for more than 7 consecutive days are to be reported to HSE.




Major Injury – Fractures, amputation, loss of

sight etc


Dangerous Occurrences – collapse of a load

bearing part of lifting equipment, collision with overhead power lines, and

contact with underground services. (These incidents may not result in injury

but may have done)


Occupational diseases – dermatitis, asbestosis,




Accidents resulting in death, major injury, admission to

hospital are to be reported as follows:-

Report the accident to Company Management immediately.

The responsible Director will inform the RIDDOR Incident

Centre (0845 300 9923) or online at www.hse.gov.uk/riddor.

The responsible Director will send written confirmation

using the form F2508 to the Incident Centre within 15 days.

The responsible Director will ensure that the accident

has been properly recorded in the Company Accident register and if appropriate

instigate an investigation.


Accidents resulting in an employee being incapacitated

for work for more than 7consecutive days (excluding the day of the accident but

including Saturdays, Sundays and recognised holidays) will also be reported to

the RIDDOR Incident Centre in writing within 15 days. Occupational Diseases

should be reported using the form F2508A with 15 days of confirmation.




Accident Investigation

It is the policy of the Company to fully comply with

RIDDOR. The Company’s management sees Accident investigation as a valuable tool

in the prevention of future accidents. In the event of an accident resulting in

injury a report will be drawn up by the responsible Director or a competent

person appointed by the responsible Director detailing;


The time, date and location of the incident.


Details of the injured party – name address

occupation etc


The circumstances of the accident including any

photographs and diagrams wherever possible.


The nature and severity of the injury sustained.


The identity of any eyewitnesses and copies of

eyewitness statements.


The date of the report.


All eyewitness accounts will be collected as near to the

time of the accident as is reasonably practicable. The completed report will be

analysed by management who will attempt to identify the root cause of the

accident and what action needs to be taken to prevent recurrence. Follow up

risk assessment or safety inspections will be completed after a reasonable

period of time to evaluate the effectiveness of any new measures adopted.





It is the

policy of the company to comply with the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare)

Regulations. Regular inspections will be carried out by the Management or by

other nominated competent persons. These inspections will verify the

effectiveness of the company’s Health and Safety Policy and procedures. All

Inspection findings will be recorded and discussed and any corrective actions will

be taken as far as is reasonable and practicable.




The Company will reduce, reuse

and recycle wherever possible to protect the environment, reduce the need for

raw materials and thereby reduce costs.

We will reduce the waste produced by:

• Avoiding over ordering of materials.

• Storing materials correctly and in accordance with manufacturer’s

recommendations to ensure they are usable when needed.

We will reuse materials:

• Where practicable all off-cuts of materials will be saved for reuse as

storage allows

We will ensure that:

• All waste is transported to a licensed recycling facility for correct


• All used pallets are returned to the supplier for reuse or recycle.

• No waste is burned on site.

• Waste is segregated where possible for easier recycling.




This policy will be reviewed annually and updated and

re-issued as necessary.






NN14 4RZ

Gas Safe Registration Number : 670011

Business Hours

MON : 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

TUE : 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

WED : 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

THU : 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

FRI : 8:00 AM – 5:00PM



*Some out of hours appointments maybe available, Contact us for more information.

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